How Many Square Feet Do I Need?
How much space your company needs depends a good deal on how you plan to utilize it. Once upon a time in corporate America, every executive wanted an office. And the bigger the office, the more important you were. When you got really, really important, you got the big corner office. (The big, fat stinking cigars were optional, of course!).… Read More
A Square Foot Is Not a Square Foot
What does the act of leasing office space have in common with a trip to the Fun House? Sometimes, more than real estate professionals like to admit. Step right up. Watch a building expand thousands of square feet — without moving a brick? Watch a company move from a 29,000 square foot space in Building A to a 33,000 square… Read More
Dickstein Real Estate Services at 20- Part III Looking Forward
In this edition, I would like to touch on my vision of where we are at Dickstein Real Estate Services, going forward for the next 20 years. We need to start our discussion by focusing on where we are going in the Garden State. REDEVELOPMENT- The keys to success in New Jersey real estate in the years to come will be found in the creative redevelopment of our… Read More
Are You Ready for Escalation?
At the end of each year, Landlords send tenants a holiday present of a different form--- an escalation invoice. What is escalation you ask? Most of you with gross office leases know what an escalation bill looks like. It is that complicated invoice that arrives from the Landlord for increases in Operating Expenses and Real Estate Taxes, and maybe Utilities.… Read More
Dickstein Real Estate Services at 20 Part II- Looking at Today
We at Dickstein Real Estate Services owe our success to the good people that we have had the privilege of serving. That was true on day one, it is true now and it will be for the future. Oprah has a new best seller titled, “What I Know For Sure”. After 20 years, what do I know for sure? I… Read More