October 10, 2016 8:50 pm



Anyone with kids knows Fall is the real New Year. But I think that New Year signifies a special time in the life of a business owner. The other New Year focuses on tax planning. The Jewish theme of this New Year is “Teshuva” which means “to return”. This New Year is about you! Every year we business owners get to re-focus on the “why” of our business. So, why do you do what you do?

The “B” answer is that we all need to make a living. Of course there is the reality of money; however, we do have free choice regarding what we do with our time. So the “A” answer is based on the real “why”. The deeper why! Why do you get up in the morning? What floats your boat? What turns you on to life? Did you ever think when you were a kid that you would be doing today what you do every day?

I like to preface my why by first focusing on what I have accomplished during the past year. Goals are dreams with a finish date. Did you meet your goals—not just your economic goals, but your life goals? Did you create a bond with your kids, your wife, and your circle of friends? Did you improve your health? Did you learn that new language? Did you remove that bad habit? Are you a better person?

So, why do we need to return? The daily grind of doing is so intense that most of us simply lose focus. We move from meeting to meeting and deal to deal putting out fires and we don’t really have time for introspection or focus. Returning to why is about the going back to that inner place where we can internalize our purpose. That place where we can see, feel, and breathe our why, and integrate it into our being. It is not just about recharging your spiritual batteries, it is refocusing on making you the best you that you can be.

I founded Dickstein Real Estate Services more than 21 years ago with the singular focus on providing our clients with the most complete unbiased real estate advice to obtain the best possible space at the best possible terms. That is my business “why”.

When all is said and done, why do you do what you do? In this New Year my wish for you is for you to return to knowing your “why”.

Lawrence Dickstein

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